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Not boring as they used to say, but quirky and scandalous at the same time, Japanese Politics are much more exciting than people traditionally think.

Around two years ago, I started a Twitter account called @Nihonpolitics where I have been following the latest news. It has been an exciting experience, from which I have learned a lot: from the best journalists, experts and scholars in Japan. Recently, though, I realized that Twitter was not enough…

Substack is the place. From now on, I will combine Twiter with this Newsletter so you can receive the best information about Japanese Politics each week in your inbox.

Subscribe to Nihonpolitics if you want to receive timely publications about Japan and its politics in the future.

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Don’t worry about missing anything. Each new edition of the newsletter will go directly to your inbox every Thursday, just in time for an exciting weekend reading.

If you subscribe, you can expect a timely and organized Newsletter with the best news and analysis of Japan and its politics!

Who Reads NihonPolitics?

You might wonder what are you doing here, subscribing to a newsletter about Japanese politics…well, I wondered that too when I started it.

If you have an interest in Japan or in politics in general, this is your place! I am creating a community of people that enjoy Japan and want to know more about it. At the same time, Japanese politics can become a new method of understanding how Japan works and its people operate. I hope it becomes an exciting journey through the history and the current events of Japan.

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The Boring and the Scandalous Side of Japanese Politics


25 years old guy from Spain. A former resident of Osaka. Japan as a way of living. I speak Japanese (sort of)